What safety and behaviour measures are in place?

What safety measures are in place?

1st St Margarets is insured under the Scout Association’s policy and, as a condition of this, we follow all the health and safety guidelines set out by the Scout Association.

All of our Leaders and Assistant Leaders have undergone DBS checks.

We have to guarantee appropriate adult to child ratios at our Wednesday sessions and at camps, trips and outside activities.   This means a higher ratio of adults to younger children in Beavers than with Scouts.

We always have a trained first aider and a first aid kit present at every session, camp, trip, or activity.  We carry out risk assessments of all camps, trips and activities and ensure we have a record of each child’s medical conditions/dietary requirements and emergency contact arrangements. 

When children are away at camp, a non-engaged adult (ie someone not on the trip) acts as a contact point between parents and the Leader in case a child is ill or there are travel delays etc.  This ensures prompt communication with all parents as needed.

Please contact your Section Leader if you have any questions relating to health and safety. 

What behaviour measures are in place?

Whilst we recognise that Beavers, Cubs and Scouts is not the same as school, we still have high expectations of our members. As part of our health and safety policy, and to ensure our Leaders, Assistant Leaders and parent helpers are treated with respect and consideration, we operate a Code of Conduct and Behaviour and Discipline Policy which we expect all members to adhere to.