NPL Water Rocket Challenge June 2022
It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening watching the 1st Margarets Scouts team work so well together. There were around 48 teams that entered and competed over 3 rounds.
Only the first rocket scored in each round but we could then fire as many other non-scoring rockets as we could over the next 20 minutes. After a great opening salvo we were placed 3rd. We dropped to 6th in round two after another great shot into the landing zone but we were lacking ‘hang time’ that also contributed to the total score.
Round 3 saw the team go big on height and water pressure and landed a great shot, but had to wait in suspense to know what we scored. There was an unexpected bonus round to send an egg in a rocket over 70 metres and land it without breaking. This saw the Scouts deconstruct one of the rockets, raid the site kitchen for tissue paper and the bar for plastic cups to make an internal chamber for the egg. The rocket went huge and landed quite hard on its nose then bounced some distance. I was not very hopeful that it made it alive.
Then the results came in…. Our egg survived and the team collected an egg-tastic certificate. Then came the business end of the event, where did we place?Our team sat right at the front of the stage in anticipation, unable to keep still from the excitement. The MC said he would announce only the top three, and in third …… 1st Margarets Scouts.
Much whooping and celebrating resulted and the team collected a lovely glass trophy. So that sets a fairly high bar for next year’s event. Thanks to all your Scouts who made this go so well and they should all be proud of this achievement. And many thanks to all at NPL who arranged this. Super well organised and great fun.